The End of Ebola – Liberia


Praise God that the outbreak of Ebola is coming to an end! The crisis, which no one predicted, sent shock waves across West Africa and wide-spread panic globally. We’re glad to see light at the end of this tunnel but continue to pray for the hundreds of communities left in it’s wake.


Liberia, one of the nations affected by the virus, is still a place that MAF is committed to working in. We planned to set up a programme in Monrovia, West Liberia, last year but were suddenly halted when the epidemic broke out.

During the height of the outbreak, government offices were closed for long periods of time, freeing officials to focus on responding to the disaster. For this reason we were unable to move forward as we were waiting on essential paperwork from an office that was now closed indefinitely.

The Liberian flag

The government is slowly beginning to pick up where they left off. There are already signs of movement and gradual catching-up so do pray for those departments as they strive to get on top of things and, in the meantime, pray for patience as we wait for the necessary approvals to be processed!

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What will we do in Liberia? Well 70 NGOs (Non-Government Organisations) have been identified as being eager for our services. Many of these organisations had to evacuate the country, so you can only imagine how much of standstill Liberia came to during the Ebola outbreak. Pray for those organisations that they might be able to resume their works and ministries soon.

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There is much to do, much to think about and much to pray about! Will you stand with us in prayer? We so desperately want to serve the people of Liberia and bring them the good news of the Gospel as soon as possible! Please pray that why might be able to do just that and please pray also that the families we’ll be sending out there to work will know the peace of God throughout that transition, and that they’d fully trust that God will provide the way for them!


MAF Youth

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