Getting Better – Michael’s Recovery


Not so long ago we posted about a schooling centre called Confident Children out of Conflict  (CCC) in South Sudan and how much we admired it’s work and how privileged we are to help out and be a part of what they’re doing!

We’ve recently been in contact with CCC with regards to Michael, a South Sudanese boy who is undergoing therapy after a being horrifically attacked. Do carry on reading to find out what happened to him and how he’s currently doing…


“In December 2013, 15-year-old Michael was walking home from school in Juba where he lived with his older brother, knowing that something was dreadfully wrong.

Several men with guns spoke to him in a language he didn’t understand.

When he couldn’t respond, they shot him in the legs. Michael was taken in by a local organisation that takes care of orphans and street children called Confident Children out of Conflict.


Many at MAF took Michael under their wings, including Judith DuPuis who met with him regularly to talk, pray, and read the Bible, or Rob Johnson who would visit him in the evenings to play games.


Michael’s physical condition has worsened as his leg became seriously infected. Thanks to many donations and a church who will look after him, he left on 31 August for Nairobi for major surgery on his leg.



Michael was operated on Saturday 6th September, and came out of hospital a week later.  With the help of friends in Nairobi we have identified a boarding school he can attend in Nairobi once the initial follow-up to his operation has been completed.

Michael is doing well.  He moved to Africa Nazarene University overseen by the Chaplain Dr Cindy from the end of November, and then moved into boarding school at Peace Junior Academy in the second week of January.


Over Christmas he had an operation to remove the pin from his leg (which had been put in in September) so he is back in a cast now.


MAF South Sudan staff have been instrumental in providing essential pastoral support to Michael during his stay with us at CCC.  They visited him, played games with him, counselled him, prayed with him, and read the bible with him.”

A shocking story but it’s great to see how things are looking up for Michael! We’ll surely be keeping you updated on how Michael’s doing in the future but in the meantime, please pray for his on-going recovery!

If you’d like to hear about how CCC began, view our blog post ‘A Safe Haven’ here…


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